E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference – A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
Image by Terena - hkhazo.biz.id

E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference – A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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If you’re a programmer, you’ve likely encountered the frustrating error message “E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference” at some point. This error can bring your coding process to a screeching halt, leaving you wondering what’s going wrong. Fear not, dear coder, for we’re about to dive into the world of linker errors and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is the E2028 Error?

The E2028 error is a linker error that occurs when the linker (the program responsible for creating an executable file from object files) can’t find a function or variable that’s been referenced in your code. This can happen for a variety of reasons, which we’ll explore later in this article.

Causes of the E2028 Error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a look at some common causes of the E2028 error:

  • Missing or typo’d function/variable declaration: If you’ve forgotten to declare a function or variable, or there’s a typo in the declaration, the linker won’t be able to find it.
  • Undefined external variables: If you’re using an external variable that’s not defined in your code, the linker will throw an error.
  • Library issues: If you’re using a library that’s not properly linked or is missing, the linker won’t be able to find the required functions or variables.
  • Object file issues: If there’s an issue with the object file (e.g., it’s corrupt or missing), the linker will throw an error.

Solutions to the E2028 Error

Now that we’ve explored the causes, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing the error!

Solution 1: Check for Typos and Missing Declarations

The first step is to review your code and check for any typos or missing declarations. Go through your code line by line and verify that:

  • Function and variable names match exactly (case-sensitive)
  • Declarations are complete and correct
  • There are no duplicate declarations

Take a closer look at the line of code that’s causing the error. Is there a typo in the function or variable name? Is the declaration missing or incomplete? Fixing these simple mistakes can often resolve the E2028 error.

Solution 2: Verify External Variables and Libraries

If you’re using external variables or libraries, make sure they’re properly defined and linked. Check that:

  • External variables are defined in a header file or another source file
  • Libraries are properly linked using the correct flags and options
  • Library versions are compatible with your compiler and system

Double-check your code and make sure you’re including the correct header files and linking against the correct libraries. If you’re using a third-party library, ensure that it’s properly installed and configured.

Solution 3: Check Object Files and Compiler Options

If the above solutions don’t work, it’s time to investigate the object files and compiler options. Check that:

  • Object files are generated correctly and not corrupted
  • Compiler options are correct and not overriding default behavior
  • Linker flags are correct and not missing essential libraries

Verify that the object files are being generated correctly and are not corrupted. Check your compiler options and ensure that they’re not overriding default behavior. Finally, review your linker flags and make sure they’re correct and not missing essential libraries.

Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques

If the above solutions don’t work, it’s time to break out the big guns – advanced troubleshooting techniques!

Technique 1: Use the `nm` Command

The `nm` command is a powerful tool that can help you identify issues with your object files. It displays the symbols (functions, variables, etc.) defined in an object file. Use it to:

nm object_file.o | grep symbol_name

This command will search the object file for the specified symbol and display its type and value. If the symbol is not found, it may indicate that it’s not being generated or is being overridden.

Technique 2: Use the `objdump` Command

The `objdump` command is similar to `nm`, but provides more detailed information about the object file. Use it to:

objdump -t object_file.o | grep symbol_name

This command will display a detailed list of symbols in the object file, including their type, value, and size. This can help you identify issues with symbol definitions or overrides.

Technique 3: Check Compiler and Linker Output

Another advanced technique is to review the compiler and linker output to identify any issues. Check the compiler output for warnings or errors that may indicate the problem. Review the linker output to ensure that all required libraries are being linked.


The E2028 error ” _small_code_ is an undefined reference” can be frustrating, but with the right techniques and approaches, you can identify and fix the issue. Remember to check for typos, missing declarations, and external variables and libraries. Verify object files and compiler options, and use advanced troubleshooting techniques like `nm` and `objdump` to identify the problem.

By following these steps and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the E2028 error and getting back to coding. Happy coding!

Causes of E2028 Error Solutions
Missing or typo’d function/variable declaration Check for typos and missing declarations
Undefined external variables Verify external variables and libraries
Library issues Check library versions and linking options
Object file issues Verify object files and compiler options

Note: This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. If you’re experiencing issues with the E2028 error, it’s recommended that you seek guidance from a qualified programming expert.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of seeing the frustrating error message “E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference” pop up on your screen? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and fix this issue:

What does the error message “E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference” mean?

This error message typically occurs when the linker is unable to find the definition of a function or variable that is being referenced in your code. In other words, the compiler is saying that it can’t find the implementation of the `_small_code_` function or variable.

Why does the error occur even though I’ve defined the function or variable?

This might be due to a mismatch between the definition and declaration of the function or variable. Make sure that the spelling, capitalization, and parameters match exactly. Additionally, check if the function or variable is defined in a separate file or module, and if so, ensure that it’s properly linked or included in your project.

How can I resolve the issue if the function or variable is defined in a separate file or module?

To fix this, you need to ensure that the file or module where the function or variable is defined is properly linked or included in your project. Check your project settings, build configurations, and include paths to make sure everything is correctly set up. You might need to add the file or module to your project, or adjust the linker flags to include the necessary libraries.

Can I use a forward declaration to fix the issue?

No, a forward declaration is not enough to fix the issue. A forward declaration only tells the compiler that the function or variable exists, but it doesn’t provide the actual implementation. You need to ensure that the implementation is provided somewhere in your code or included libraries.

Where can I find more resources to help me troubleshoot and fix the issue?

You can check the official documentation of your compiler, IDE, or programming language for more information on how to troubleshoot and fix the “E2028: _small_code_ is an undefined reference” error. Additionally, online forums, communities, and tutorials can provide valuable insights and solutions from experienced developers who have faced similar issues.