How to Remove Wildcard Imports from a Large Python Repository?
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How to Remove Wildcard Imports from a Large Python Repository?

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Wildcard imports, also known as star imports, can be a convenient way to bring in all the functionality of a module or package into your Python script or project. However, as your project grows in size and complexity, these wildcard imports can lead to naming conflicts, dependencies, and maintenance issues. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why you should remove wildcard imports from your large Python repository and provide a step-by-step guide on how to do it efficiently.

Why Remove Wildcard Imports?

Wildcard imports can seem harmless at first, but they can cause several problems in the long run:

  • Naming Conflicts: When you use wildcard imports, you’re bringing in all the names from the imported module or package into your namespace. This can lead to naming conflicts, especially if you have modules or packages with similar names.
  • Dependencies: Wildcard imports can create dependencies between modules or packages that might not be necessary. This can make it difficult to maintain and update your project, as changes to one module or package can affect others.
  • Performance: When you use wildcard imports, Python has to load the entire module or package, which can slow down your program. By importing only what you need, you can improve the performance of your project.
  • Code Readability: Wildcard imports can make your code harder to read and understand, as it’s not clear what specific functions or variables are being used.

Preparing for the Removal of Wildcard Imports

Before you start removing wildcard imports, it’s essential to prepare your project for the changes. Here are some steps to take:

  1. Backup Your Code: Make a backup of your entire project, so you can roll back in case something goes wrong.
  2. Run Static Analysis Tools: Use tools like Pyflakes, Pylint, or Flake8 to identify any existing issues in your code. This will help you catch any errors or warnings that might be introduced during the removal process.
  3. Test Your Code: Run your tests to ensure your code is working as expected. This will give you a baseline to compare against after making changes.

Identifying Wildcard Imports

The first step in removing wildcard imports is to identify them in your code. You can do this manually by searching for lines that start with from module import *, or you can use a tool to help you.

One such tool is grep, a command-line utility that searches for patterns in files. You can use the following command to find wildcard imports in your project:

grep -r "from [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]* import *" .

This command searches for lines that match the pattern from module import * in all files in the current directory and its subdirectories.

Removing Wildcard Imports

Once you’ve identified the wildcard imports in your code, it’s time to remove them. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Identify the Module or Package

Determine the module or package being imported using the wildcard import. For example, if you see the line from math import *, the module is math.

Step 2: Identify the Imported Names

Find out what names are being imported from the module or package. You can do this by checking the documentation for the module or package, or by using tools like dir() or help() in Python.

For example, if you have the line from math import *, you can use the following code to find out what names are being imported:

import math

This will print out a list of all the names defined in the math module.

Step 3: Import Specific Names

Replace the wildcard import with specific imports for the names you need. For example, if you need the sin, cos, and tan functions from the math module, you can import them like this:

from math import sin, cos, tan

Step 4: Update Your Code

Update your code to use the imported names explicitly. For example, instead of using sin(x), you would use math.sin(x).

Common Scenarios and Solutions

During the removal of wildcard imports, you might encounter some common scenarios. Here are some solutions to help you overcome them:

Scenario Solution
Importing a large number of names from a module or package Use an import statement with multiple names, like from module import name1, name2, ...
Importing names from a subpackage or submodule Use a relative import, like from .subpackage import name, or an absolute import, like from package.subpackage import name
Using wildcard imports in tests or demos Consider using a different testing framework or demo approach that doesn’t require wildcard imports

Best Practices for Importing Modules and Packages

To avoid wildcard imports in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Import specific names: Always import specific names instead of using wildcard imports.
  • Use relative imports: Use relative imports to import names from subpackages or submodules.
  • Avoid importing entire modules or packages: Only import what you need, and avoid importing entire modules or packages unless necessary.
  • Document your imports: Document your imports and explain why you’re importing specific names or modules.


Removing wildcard imports from a large Python repository can be a daunting task, but with a clear understanding of the reasons why and a step-by-step guide, you can do it efficiently. Remember to identify wildcard imports, remove them, and import specific names instead. By following best practices for importing modules and packages, you can keep your code organized, maintainable, and efficient.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to Remove Wildcard Imports from a Large Python Repository?”

Frequently Asked Question

Removing wildcard imports from a large Python repository can be a daunting task, but with the right strategies and tools, it can be done efficiently. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started:

Why should I remove wildcard imports from my Python repository?

Wildcard imports can lead to namespace pollution, making it difficult to track the origin of variables and functions. Removing them can improve code readability, reduce dependency issues, and enhance overall code quality.

How do I identify wildcard imports in my Python repository?

You can use tools like `pylint`, `flake8`, or `mypy` to identify wildcard imports in your repository. These tools can help you detect and report on wildcard imports, making it easier to focus on the areas that need improvement.

What is the best approach to remove wildcard imports from a large Python repository?

Start by identifying the most critical files and modules with wildcard imports. Then, gradually replace them with explicit imports, taking care to maintain backward compatibility. You can also use automated tools like `autoflake` or `isort` to streamline the process.

How do I handle cases where wildcard imports are necessary for compatibility with older Python versions?

In cases where wildcard imports are necessary for compatibility with older Python versions, consider creating separate branches or compatibility layers for those versions. This allows you to maintain support for older versions while still improving code quality in newer versions.

What are some best practices to avoid reintroducing wildcard imports in the future?

Establish a coding standard that discourages wildcard imports, and use code review processes to catch and prevent their reintroduction. You can also use automation tools to regularly scan for wildcard imports and alert developers to any issues.

Let me know if you need anything else!